UDL and Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

UDL and Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

UDL and Social Emotional Learning

Universal Design for Learning, especially the Engagement Principle, has a strong connection to Social Emotional Learning (SEL). The graphic below incorporates some of the checkpoints that fall within the Engagement Principle of UDL and demonstrations how they act as a firm foundation for Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports. 
Within the Engagement Principle of Universal Design for Learning lies checkpoint 7.3 Minimize threats and Distractions (Safe Environment), Checkpoint 8.3 Foster Collaboration and Community, and checkpoint 9.2 Facilitate Personal Coping Skills and Strategies. This should be provided to all students in Tier 1. 
Tier 2 supports, such as small social & emotional learning groups and social & emotional interventions, should add to Tier 1 instruction and should be available for the targeted or identified students who need additional support. 
Tier 3 supports, such as individualized SEL interventions and goal-setting for SEL goals, can then be built onto Tier 2 supports for students who need a more individualized or intensive approach.  
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